• Vertical red striped on white background shirt-2 pairs- to all the level-boys/girls.
• Coffee colour pant - 2/2 pairs to the boys of all the level.
• Coffee colour skirt – 2/2 pairs to the girls of all level.
* House wise Track Suit to all the boys and girls.
• White and Coffee colour socks-2/2 pairs- to all the students of all level.
• Black leather shoes.
• White shoes.
• House wise ribbon for the girls of all level.
• Sweater-coffee colour- boys/girls- for all level.
• Blazer Coats and sweater- boys /girls- For grade 6 to 10.
• White/coffee colour stockings- 2/2 pairs-girls of all level.
• Sports Dress.
• Sports shoes.
• School belt, badge & tie .
• School tunic, skirt, trousers, etc. should be stitched in accordance with the design fixed by the school.
School tie, belt, badge and monogram must be bought from the school only.
• Boys must have their hair cut short.
• Girls can wear their hair in plaits or have it cut short.
• Hair should be clean, combed, oiled and free from lice.
• Nails must be cut regularly and kept short.
• No jewellery or make up of any kind is allowed to be worn in the school.
• School uniform should be washed regularly. It should be clean and ironed.
• Clothes that have become faded, old, shabby, worn-out and short should be replaced by new ones
immediately. Shoes must be polished everyday.
• The tie, belt and school bag should be washed every week-end.
• Whenever students need to wear a cap, they should wear the coffee colour Cap.
• On the sports day, students are required to wear the dress as prescribed by the sports In-charge.