"Realization of history makes present more meaningful"
History is always important for the better planning of present and future. The events taken places in the past can be taken as good lessons if learnt and valued , Though we have some areas to learn about history ,we may not be giving right priority. We have many books to study , many historical places, persons and cultures carried by them. The base of today is yesterday. Although we know these facts are true, we have been giving less importance to them. Perhaps we couldn’t have come to today’s civilization if we hadn’t come through the history.
We must be grateful of our ancestors who contributed their life and placed us in this position through physical, social, cultural and many aspects. If we could realize the contribution of our seniors, the coming generations could be encouraged to follow the trend of respecting the contribution done by each senior generation. Respecting seniors is to continue the culture of respect which helps to keep the family and society in order.
We have many living legends who have contributed to us through different means, but living their life in isolation. They seem to be neglected even by the family members. They are to be noticed. Their contribution must be valued and reduced the stress of loneliness and raise some hope of life.
As studied through the activities of school children aged between 3 years to 18 years, we have realized the deteriorating relationship among and between the generations –grand children to grand parents. And we have tried with an effort whether we could address a part of the social problem trying of our reach to fill the gap between and among these generations through a programme MY PARENTS MY HISTORY.
To support to the programme we have created a fund named My Parents My History. We have mentioned some activities to do . The activities will be run by the Students’ Club as there is a experienced Students’ Club. It has been doing many activities since the establishment of the school.(see students’ club in www.clebsnepal.com . Fund for the programme has been collected from the students, teachers and the interested people . The fund is deposited in a separate heading My Parents My History in the preliminary stage and will deposited in NABIL BANK, Jorpati, Kathmandu , Nepal.
1. Elderly Home:- There are some elderly homes in the districts and neighboring districts having some elderly people managed by the social organizations where we could take the teenager students for experiencing the life in old age which could help them to realize the life of old people and that would stimulate them to look at them closely and develop the feeling of respect and care towards such old people in their home as well as in the society .
The students of these age could be involved:
a.Taking them to such elderly homes, they could talk with them, listen the voice and could change their attitude positively towards such group of people. Also the old people could enjoy talking with them at least for some moments when the old people hardly get company of talking with some people. Most of the time they are in isolation. This may help old people reduce their mental tension.
b.Sometimes the students could be taken to such home with some clothes or food that may build up the relationship between the generations, build love and deeper and better relation.
c.Interested students could adopt some old people as their grand parents and could visit often with possible support.
2. Old People on the Street: Sometimes we find some old people through the street helplessly not knowing what to do . They might have lost the way to go back to home or neglected by the family or trying to find the shelter. In such cases we could help them reach the home with some financial supports or talk to the family for better understanding or talk to the shelter home for their shelter.
3. Old People in the Society: Sometimes the students can be sent to the society for the study of old people's life, receive their experience of life which could help them to learn the history, culture , could be encouraged in life listening the real story of success and failure. Also it would definitely enhance the social and family relationship. We could do different types of activities focusing to this programme.
4. Awareness Programme: Students are the main source of awareness programme as a school has the children from the different societies , castes and religions. And also the target of the programme is also the teenagers/juniors. Though it is the fact, it’s not all. So we could aware the other level of people through other
5. Programme of Awareness through leaflets, pamphlets, speech programme at the public place and some media.
6. We could launch various programmes among the students of the schools in a school, among the schools of the local area, regional, national and international too through the programme of essay writing, drawing etc with the theme of elderly people. We could also award the children of specific talent like in science, art, music, sport and literature in the name of the programme.
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