P.O.Box No.: 8973, NPC-683, Jorpati, Kathmandu, Nepal
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3rd Terminal Examination Question (2081)

Sarbanam Shikshyalaya

Gokarneshwor-06, Jorpati, Kathmandu

Third Term Examination-2081

Class:10                                                                                              F.M=75

Subject: Accountancy                                                                               P.M=30

                                                                                                                      Time: 3 Hrs.


    Group ‘A’   [11×1=11]

Answer the following in one sentence.

  1. Who appoints the governor of Nepal Rastra Bank?
  2. When was kumara chowk adda established?
  3. In which account we can't get any interest?
  4. Write any two importance of store accounting.
  5. What is office layout?
  6. How do you record depreciation at the end of a year in the final account?
  7. What is government revenue system?
  8. Which ministry administers consolidated fund?
  9. Write the full form of DTCO?
  10. In which account are indirect expenses included?
  11. What do you mean by votable expenditure?


Group B    [8

Give Short answer to the following questions.

  1. What is report? Mention any four considerations of preparing report.
  2. What is Central Bank? Describe any four functions of Nepal Rastra Bank?
  3. What is direct tax? Explain any four cannons of taxation.
  4. Write any five differences between government accounting and business accounting.
  5. Explain the meaning and features of Treasury Single Account?
  6. From the following information, prepare bank reconciliation as on ,31st December 2024.
  1. Overdraft as per cash book Rs. 50,000(Cr.)
  2. Cheque issued but not presented for payment Rs.6,000
  3. Cheque deposited in to bank but not collected Rs. 9,000
  4. Bank charges charged by bank Rs. 30 but recorded as Rs. 300 in cash book.
  5. Direct deposited by a customer in to bank account RS. 800.
  6. Interest on investment collected by bank and credited in pass book Rs. 450 but recorded as Rs. 540 in cash book.


  1. Rectify the following errors located before preparation of trial balance.
  1. Goods sold to Sohan for Rs. 5,000 has wrongly been debited to Mohan's account.
  2. Amount of Rs. 3,000 drawn by proprietor for his personal use has been debited to general expenses account.
  3. Commission paid was credited to as commission earned Rs.1,500.
  4. Wages paid to Ram Rs. 10,000 was debited in Ram's Account.
  5. Goods sold for Rs. 2,000 was not recorded at all.


What is bin card? Why bin card is used in store accounting?



  1. The following transactions are related to District Agriculture Office, Dhading. All transactions are recorded as budget release after their payment.

Falgun 1: Paid for office material Rs.5,000.

Falgun 9:Mr. Shrestha was provided advance for purchasing of furniture Rs. 25,000.

Falgun 12:Mr. Shrestha submitted the furniture purchase bill for Rs.20,000 against the advance. The surplus amount was deposited by him in to the TSA(BANK).

Falgun 28 :The net employee remuneration RS. 79,100 was distributed after distributing Rs. 18,000 for P.F, Rs. 1,000 for income tax and Rs. 900 for social security tax.


Required:- Bank Cash Bank (AGF No.209)








Group C    [8]


  1. On the basis of following transactions, prepare journal voucher of district health office, Dang.
  1. 2081-04-01 Paid for electricity and water charges Rss. 2,000.
  2. 2081-04-16 Senior Officer, Keshav Pradhan was paid an amount of Rs. 40,000 as an advance for purchase of computer.
  3. 2081-04-25. Senior Offiicer,Keshav Pradhan's computer advance of Rs. 40,000 was cleared after receiving the bill of computer for Rs. 37,000 and a bank voucher on TSA of RS.3,000
  4. 2081-04-30 Out of total employee remuneration of Rs, 82,500 for shrawan, P.F Rs.. 15,000, Rs. 750 for social security tax and advance salary Rs. 5,000 were deducted and rest was paid to the employee.
  5. 2081-04-30 The-provident fund and the other deducted amount was deposited in to related account.
  1. Prepare the statement of expenditure showing the balance of budget for the month of Jestha 2081.


Name of Budget





Upto Baisakh


Of Jestha








Local allowances















Office related






House rent




Addirional information:

-Rs. 3,500 was cleared out of advance given for purchasing dresses for Rs.


Required:-Statement of Expenditure.


Clarify the purpose of final audit. State the function of Auditor General in conducting audit.                        

  1. Following are the trial balances of RK traders as on Chaitra 31,2081.


Debit balance


Credit balance


Opening stock








Carriage in


Purchase return






Office expenses








Sales return








Plant and machinery




Selling expenses












Additional information:

  1. Outstanding salary Rs. 4,000
  2. Commission received in advance Rs.1000
  3. Closing stock Rs. 76,000
  4. Provision for bad debts Rs.10%        


  1. Trading account
  2. Profit and loss account
  3. Balance Sheet


The end

Sarbanam Shikshyalaya

Gokarneshwor-06, Jorpati, Kathmandu

ThirdTerm Examination-2081

Class: 10                                                                       F.M=75

Subject: Population                                                      P.M=30

                                                                           Time: 3 Hrs.






Group ‘A’

Write very short answer:                                             [11

  1. Define demography?
  2. When was abortion legalized in Nepal?
  3. Mention a social cause of fertility?
  4. According to WHO, what age group refers to active population?
  5. Mention any one way to be safe from HIV/AIDS?
  6. What is miscarriage?
  7. Why is ovary called female gonads?
  8. What do you mean by infertility?
  9. What events are recorded in VRS?
  10. What is the time frame of Sustainable Development Goals?
  11. Mention why median is used in population education.


Group ‘B’


Write short answer:                                                      

  1. Define population density. Enlist the major causes of lower population density of the Mountain region of Nepal.
  2. The population of Nepal in 2001 AD and 2011 AD was 23,151,423 and 26,494,504 respectively. Use geometric growth rate method to find PGR (r).


         Write five differences between fertility and fecundity.

  1. Discuss the government policy of abortion in Nepal.
  2. Discuss the objectives of National population policy 2071.
  3. Make a list of the attractive and repulsive factors of immigration.
  4. Highlight on the relationship between media and sexuality.
  5. Describe sexual response cycle in brief.
  6. Describe the first five goals of sustainable development.




Group ‘C’

Write Long answer:                                                             

  1. Critically analyze the goals and objectives of policies and programs to the population of the latest five year plan of Nepal.
  2.  Describe the causes of infertility related to male and female.


       Explain the functions of internal organs of female reproductive system.    

  1. Calculate the standard deviation of the given data:

Age(in yrs)






No. of popn









The End

















Gokarneshwor-6, Kathmandu

Third Terminal Examination 2081

Class :- 10                                                           F.M.: 75

Subject : Com. Mathematics                          P.M: 30

                                                                           Time: 3 hrs              

Students are required t

Attempt all the questions:

Q.no.1) In a group of  people, 550 like sport, 600 like music, 350 like both and 200

              didn't like any of these two then,

   a) Write the set of people who like both sport and music in cardinal notation. (1)

   b) Present the above information in Venn-diagram.                                               (1)

   c) Find the total no. of people using Venn-diagram.                                                (3)

   d) Find the ratio of people who like only sport and only music.                            (1)

Q.no.2) Compounding of an amount at annual compound interest rate in 2 years   

              and 3 years respectively reaches Rs 12000 and Rs 13200.

   a. Write the formula to find annual compound interest.                                       (1)

   b. What should be the rate of compound interest?                                                (2)

   c. Find how much the principal should be.                                                                (1)

Q.no.3) The present population of a rural municipality is 10,000 and the

               population is being increased by 2% every year.

   a) Write the formula to find the population after T years (PT) if the initial  

    population is P and annual growth rate is R%.                                                       (1)

   b) Find the population of municipality after 3 years.                                             (2)

   c) In how many years will the population be 10404 at same rate of population

       growth? Find it.                                                                                                         (1)


Q.no.4) The buying and selling rate of 1 American dollar were NPR 132.90 and

              NPR 133.50 respectively.

a) How many Nepalese rupees could Prasna exchange with American Dollar

   $1000? Find it.                                                                                                              (1)

b) If Prasna needed $5,000 to go for higher study to go America and the money

     exchange counter charged 20% as commission to exchange the amount. How

     many Nepalese rupees did she require?                                                                  (2)

  c) If the Nepalese currency had devaluated by 1.5%, how much would be less or

      more than the value of at the time before devaluation when exchanging

      Nepali rupees for American dollars 1000, find it.                                               (2)

Q.no.5) In the figure slant height of square based pyramid is 24 cm and its length

              of the slant edge is 25 cm.

  a) Write the formula for finding L.S.A. of sq. based pyramid.(1)

  b) Find the area of the base of the pyramid.                          (2)

  c) What is the total cost of coloring the total surfaces of the

       pyramid at the rate of 50 paisa per sq. cm? Find it.          (2)


Q.no.6) The adjoining diagram is a cylindrical tank with an end of hemisphere.

               The internal radius of the tank is 3m and total height is 8m.

    a) How much water in litre does the tank hold? (2)

    b) If the cost to fill 1 L. is 50 paisa, what is the total

         cost to fill up the tank?                                        (2)

    c) If a family consumes 2000 L. of water a day for how

     many days the water of the  tank last.                  (1)

Q.no.7) The length and breadth of rectangular floor of a room are 20 ft. and 16 ft.  respectively.

     a) Write the formula for finding the area of a rectangle.                                     (1)

     b) How much cost is required to pave the tile of size 4 ft.X2ft. On the floor of

         the room at the rate of Rs. 200 per tile.                                                              (2)

Q.no.8) The length, breadth and height of a rectangular room is 14 ft., 12 ft. and

               10 ft. respectively. In the room there are two windows of 3 ft. X3 Ft.

               dimensions and two doors of 6 ft. X2 ft. dimensions.

   a) Find the total cost of carpeting the floor at the rate of Rs. 200 per square foot.(2)

   b) Find the total cost of painting the 4 walls and ceiling at the rate of Rs. 40 per  

     square foot.                                                                                                                   (3)

Q.no.9) Three years ago, the ratio of the ages of A and B was 4:3. Three year

               hence, the ratio of their ages will be 11:9, then

   a) Present the statement in the form of linear equation?                                    (1)

   b) What are their present ages.                                                                                   (3)

   c) Find the ratio of their ages after 1 year.                                                                (1)

Q.no.10) a) Solve:    = 16                                                                                  (2)

   b) Simplify:   -                                           (3)

Q.no.11) In the figure      PQRS and ∆MSR are standing on the    

                 same base SR and between the same parallel lines

                 PQ and SR.

a) If the sum of areas of ∆PSM and ∆QRM is 24 sq. cm,

what is the area of ∆MSR? Write it. (1)

b) To form triangle equal with the parallelogram PQRS in

area, what change should be made on the base SR

of ∆MSR? Give reason. (1)

     c) Prove that Ar. ∆MSR =    Ar      PQRS. (2)

Q.no.12) In the given figure, DC//EF                                       

   a. Find the value of x when A=2x° and F=4x° (1)

   b. Write the relation between A and F. (1)

   c. Prove that ABCD is a cyclic quadrilaterd. (2)


Q.no.13) a. Construct a parallel gram ABCD with in which AB = 6 cm, BC = 4 cm

         and DAB = 60°. Also construct a triangle having one side 7 cm and equal

         in area to the parallelogram. (3)

    b. Write down the relation between the area of square and a triangle standing

        on the same base and between the same

        parallel lines. (1)

Q.no.14) In the given fig., height pf the pole with   

                bulb (AB)=20.5 cm and the height of the

                man (CD) = 1.5 m.

    a) Define the angle of elevation.                                                   &nb